Aconsa is here to assist companies whose activity includes handling food or water at any stage of the food chain by offering training in the basic principles of food and water hygiene and safety. Our courses are designed to help companies minimise errors which, depending on severity, can have an impact on the company’s image and even carry harsh financial penalties.
People who come into contact with food or water at any stage of the food chain must understand the basic principles of food hygiene and must know how to work safely in order to protect the food and water they handle from contamination. The food company is responsible before the law for any failure that occurs in its activity in this regard, so it must provide its workers with the appropriate training to minimise these.
Our instructors who provide the training are qualified and experienced professionals in food safety and public health. They are organised into a multidisciplinary team (pharmacology, food technology, agronomy and biology), are accustomed to working with groups and are experienced trainers.
The teaching material used in each training is tailored to the duration, the size of the group and where it takes place. It includes overhead projectors, slide projectors and other equipment and support material.
Training sessions are dynamic and involve participation from attendees. Group exercises are used to assess the preparation of the handlers who receive the training. Handlers fill out an evaluation on the training at the end of the course.
At the end of the course, handlers take a test comprising 40 questions and exercises to assess their knowledge on the topic. Once the tests have been evaluated, handlers who pass the test receive the corresponding certificate. Those who fail have to repeat the topics they did not understand.